Preparing for Graduation

学位在秋季、春季和夏季学期结束时授予.  毕业典礼只在秋季和春季学期结束时举行.  夏季毕业生参加秋季毕业典礼.

Application for Graduation

Application for Graduation forms should be completed online in Student Self Service > Graduation Overview.

您在申请表上列出的姓名将用于在毕业典礼上打印, announced on stage, and printed on your diploma. 这必须是毕业时学校正式记录上的名字. 这也是百年纪念广场校友墙上的名字. Please be aware of the space limitation on this name. 它可能与课程和文凭上打印的名字不同,但也必须出现在正式的学校记录中.

在学生计划毕业的学期前至少一个学期提交毕业申请对学生有利.  学生毕业日期如有变动,应在毕业前至少一个月通知毕业协调员.


  • March 1 for August or December Graduation
  • October 1 for May Graduation

Late Fees

在这些日期之后提交毕业申请的学生将被收取1美元 late fee.

May Graduation

  • October 2 through April 15 – $25.00
  • 4月15日之后(不保证名字在计划中)- 100美元.00

Summer Graduation

  • March 2 through July 15 – $25.00
  • After July 15 – $100.00

December Graduation

  • March 2 through November 15 – $25.00
  • 11月15日之后(不保证名字在计划中)- 100美元.00

Chapel Requirements

Chapel-Assembly Credit

大礼拜堂的目的是透过敬拜来启发澳门皇冠赌场平台社区的信仰, dialogue, and community service. 华大学生必须修满80学分(护生40学分)才能毕业.  Students may earn chapel credits by attending chapel, alternative chapel events, and by performing approved community service.

完成教堂学分并向注册办公室报告的截止日期为春季4月15日, July 15 for Summer, and November 15 for Fall graduation.

逾期不交将导致延期毕业.  如果在截止日期后完成了教堂学分(包括教堂办公室的验证), but before commencement, 学生可以支付100美元的滞纳金,在毕业协调员批准后,在本学期重新激活毕业.


December 2024 Graduation Schedule

Commencement Ceremonies will be held on Monday, December 16, 2024, at the Abilene Convention Center, 1100 N 6th St, Abilene, TX 79601.

10 a.m.

  • College of Health Professions
  • Holland School of Sciences and Mathematics
  • Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing

2 p.m.

  • Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts
  • Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies


Ring Ceremonies


Candidates for Graduation

学生需要在仪式开始前至少1小时到达阿比林会议中心楼上会议室,以便排队和指导. 穿戴整齐参加毕业典礼(硕士和博士生的长袍、帽子、流苏和兜帽).

Announcements & Academic Regalia

所有学位候选人参加毕业典礼时必须穿戴适当的学术徽章, which includes the traditional cap, gown, and tassel. 请从Jostens订购您的官方澳门皇冠赌场平台学术徽章和毕业公告

帽子和长袍是正式服装,应该这样穿.  You may not alter or adorn your regalia in any way, this includes Nursing pins, corsages, decorated caps, etc.  男士穿深色休闲裤和黑鞋,女士穿黑鞋是合适的着装.  帽子应直戴在头上,流苏朝右前.  在仪式上,男人应该像舞台派对一样摘下帽子.

毕业生不允许携带任何个人物品(钱包), computers, video cameras, notebooks, etc.) in the processional.  Please leave these items with a family member or guest.

The tassel and hood colors are significant. 头巾是用天鹅绒镶边装饰或边缘,代表学位授予的研究领域, except for Ph.D. hoods which are trimmed in dark blue. 澳门皇冠赌场平台使用的学院/学校和颜色如下:

Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts

  • Liberal Arts: White
  • Music: Pink
  • Fine Arts: Dark Brown
  • Theology: Scarlet

Holland School of Sciences and Mathematics: Yellow

Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies

  • Business: Light Brown
  • Educational Studies: Light Blue

Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing: Apricot

College of Health Professions: Sage Green

  • Master of Physician Assistant Studies: Kelly Green
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy: Teal

Honor Cords

符合大学标准并被指定以优异成绩毕业的学生将由教务处颁发金奖状,在毕业典礼上佩戴. 参加大学荣誉课程的学生可以佩戴荣誉课程奖章, but no other honor cords may be worn.

Graduation Honors (For Baccalaureate Degrees)

修满60学分居留学分,累积平均绩点不低于3分者.55 is awarded cum laude honors.

修满60学分居留学分,累积平均绩点不低于3分者.75 is awarded magna cum laude honors.

修满60学分居留学分,累积平均绩点不低于3分者.90 is awarded summa cum laude honors.

注意:上学期的GPA是毕业典礼上宣读荣誉的基础. 成绩单和文凭的荣誉是基于完成要求后的实际GPA.


HSU为我们的摄影服务选择了Grad Images. 我们相信,他们将为我们的毕业生和家庭提供业内最好的毕业摄影服务. 毕业生应在毕业典礼后的几天内将信息发送至HSU的电子邮件地址. 您可以在毕业典礼之前与Grad Images建立您的帐户,并与他人分享您的图像,以便他们可以查看和订购图像. For more information,

After Commencement

HSU Post Office

If you currently have an HSU Post Office Box, please contact the Post Office, 325-670-1321, 取消您的信箱,并提供您的转寄地址.

Mailing Diploma

Once all grades are submitted and degrees are posted, 毕业证书将邮寄到您提交毕业申请时提供的地址.  完成学位要求的学生应在毕业学期的最后一天下课后大约三周内通过邮件收到毕业证书. 所有保留必须清除,否则我们将无法邮寄你的文凭.  这些文凭将被保存在注册办公室,直到所有的证书都被清除.

所有毕业证书将邮寄至毕业申请表上提供的毕业证书邮寄地址.  如果你的地址在申请毕业后改变过, 请在“自助毕业概览”中更新您的地址. Changing your address in another office will not change your diploma address.

Financial Obligations to the University

Student Accounts


Loan Exit Counseling

所有直接学生贷款、直接PLUS贷款和私人贷款都需要贷款退出咨询. 获得联邦贷款的学生在成功完成所有适用的联邦退学辅导教程之前,没有资格获得HSU的文凭或正式成绩单, 记录并成为你永久的HSU财政援助文件的一部分. 要进行退出咨询,您需要完成以下步骤:

Financial Aid

祝贺你即将从澳门皇冠赌场平台毕业! During your time at HSU, 你可能已经获得了联邦直接学生贷款或私人贷款. 以下提供的信息旨在为您提供开始偿还贷款过程所需的信息.

Suggested Steps

  • 在国家学生贷款数据系统网站(NSLDS)上查看贷款人/贷款服务商的信息 to verify current loan information
  • Login with your FSA ID (username and password)
  • 单击每个贷款以查看您的贷款服务联系信息
  • Set up payment plan with that Loan Servicer
  • 确认贷款服务人员有最新的联系信息

Optional Steps

  • Check out Studentaid.有关贷款的各种有用信息. 联系你以前的私人贷款机构,了解更多关于开始还款的信息
  • Loan Consolidation
  • Notify Loan Servicer of plans to attend Grad School
  • 贷款减免计划(教师及公共服务贷款)

Commencement Guest Information




在体育场两侧的指定区域将为残疾客人提供停车位. 所有其他客人应计划将车停在体育场周围和邻近停车场的可用停车场.


您的客人可以先到先坐. We ask that guests do not hold seats. Wheelchair access is available.

Commencement Etiquette

HSU’s commencement ceremony is a very formal event. 每位毕业生的家人和朋友将被要求在他们的毕业生穿过舞台时站起来. To maintain decorum fitting of the ceremony, 以下物品是禁止的:更改/增强徽章(包括帽子), air horns, balloons, signs, food, drinks, tobacco products (HSU is a tobacco free campus).

Commencement is a happy occasion; however, it is not a pep rally. We ask guests to act in a dignified manner.

Live Stream of Commencement


Alumni Services

中大校友会成立于1896年,旨在促进大学的持续发展.  Over 20,澳门皇冠赌场平台校友会的毕业生和以前的学生有000人.  Led by a 21-member Board of Directors, 协会成立的目的是促进和维持会员之间的终身友谊,以及与大学之间的互利关系.

毕业后,校友立即成为协会会员.  未持有HSU学位的前学生将根据要求获得会员资格.  Membership is free and the privileges are many.  会员资格是终身的,校友关系办公室在这里为你服务.  Stay Connected at

位于百年纪念广场的校友墙上有铜牌,上面列出了澳门皇冠赌场平台所有毕业生的名字. 在毕业典礼的时候,一个临时的牌匾被挂上. 最后一块铜牌将在12月的毕业典礼后颁发.

Official HSU Ring

Don’t forget about your Official Hardin-Simmons Ring! In recognition of you earning your HSU diploma, 每个即将毕业的学生都可以在他/她计划毕业的那个学期收到澳门皇冠赌场平台官方戒指. 这个项目最好的部分是,你不必为你的戒指支付比你已经支付的大学费用更多的钱!

我们的官方戒指是一个独特的标志,代表着传统,荣誉,骄傲和学术成就. 这枚戒指象征着我们在大所珍视的许多东西, 包括我们的基督教基金会和我们美丽校园的代表. This custom-designed ring encompasses who we are. It tells a story of our past and our present. 它代表了毕业生的奉献、毅力和成就. The ring is a visible reminder of life-long friendships. Before a student receives his or her HSU degree, 按照传统,戒指的佩戴面要有清华大学的校徽. Alumni wear the ring facing outward, 向世界展示他们毕业于澳门皇冠赌场平台.

But your ring opportunity is about to end! 请通过以下邮件联系Josten 's的Beth Pope安排订购戒指: 如有疑问,请致电325-670-1317与HSU校友办公室联系. We cannot order your ring after you graduate. This is a fixed deadline, so please don’t miss it!”

Graduate Studies


Graduation Contact Information