Professional Licensure Disclosures

Hardin-Simmons University is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA),它允许我们为德克萨斯州以外的州的居民提供远程学习项目和课程. NC-SARA membership, however, does not grant reciprocity or exempt us from state professional licensing board requirements. As a result, 德克萨斯州的执照要求可能不被认为足以获得执照或参加任何其他州要求或导致执照的学习实习.

Students’ Responsibility

Students should review the specific academic requirements for the program in which they are enrolling, 包括那些与实习或实习有关的,以及对执照的资格预审,比如需要进行犯罪背景调查. 我们强烈建议学生在开始获得执照的学术课程之前,在开始任何实习或实习之前,联系他们居住州或他们打算获得执照的州的适用执照委员会. Many licensure boards have additional requirements beyond successful degree completion to obtain a license. Please be advised that state laws, regulations, and policies may change at any time. Changes in requirements can impact the program’s ability to meet educational requirements for licensure. 完成执照课程的学生有责任向他们居住的州或他们打算获得执照的州的执照委员会查询最新信息和要求. 如果学生无法在任何司法管辖区获得执照或认证,或者无法获得实习或实习地点,澳门皇冠赌场平台概不负责.

State Licensing Boards

澳门皇冠赌场平台的课程通常是为了获得执照而设计的,目的是让学生为申请德克萨斯州的执照考试做准备.  每个州的执照委员会负责制定该州的执照或认证要求. 打算返回或搬到德克萨斯州以外的任何州的学生需要审查与他们的计划有关的专业执照披露,并咨询相关州的专业执照委员会.  国家专业执照委员会根据个人提交执照申请时的规章制度,最终决定个人是否有资格参加执照考试.

The B.B.A. in Accounting does not by itself meet the licensing requirements of the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy, which can be found at The university does, however, offer the additional coursework required. Consult your advisor and the program page.

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其项目是否符合德克萨斯州以外州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, Shaylee Piland,, and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

运动训练硕士符合德克萨斯州许可和法规部门制定的许可教育要求, which can be found at

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其项目是否符合德克萨斯州以外州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, David Stuckey,, and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

临床心理健康咨询硕士课程符合德克萨斯州专业咨询师考试委员会颁发执照的教育要求, which can be found at 以及德克萨斯州婚姻和家庭治疗师考试委员会对执照的教育要求, which can be found at After graduation, both licenses require passing the state licensure exam, a state background check, and a board approved supervisor for 3,000 hours of clinical practice.

HSU的临床心理健康咨询课程毕业生也有资格获得由路易斯安那州持牌专业咨询师委员会(, the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department Counseling and Therapy Practice (, and the Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health (, with the successful completion of a state licensure exam, a state background check, verification of educational experience, and board approved supervisor. In addition, The CACREP approved Clinical Mental Health program meets the educational requirements for 48 states.  你应该咨询你的项目顾问和你想要获得执照的州的专业顾问委员会.

HSU的临床心理健康咨询项目的毕业生也有资格获得俄克拉荷马州行为健康委员会制定的法律规定的婚姻和家庭治疗师执照。, with the successful completion of a state licensure exam, a state background check, verification of educational experience, and board approved supervisor. 你应该向你的项目顾问和你想要获得执照的州的婚姻和家庭治疗师委员会咨询.

Hardin-Simmons University has not determined whether its program meets licensing requirements in other states.

澳门皇冠赌场平台的教育项目根据德克萨斯教育局制定的标准进行认证, which can be found at The educational requirements for each program can be found on the relevant program page.

该大学的教育项目还获得了路易斯安那州教育局(Louisiana Department of Education)制定的标准认证。, the New Mexico Public Education Department (, and the Oklahoma State Board of Education (, with the successful completion of a state exam, a valid certificate, a state background check, verification of experience, and/or educator preparation program verification. 你应该向你的项目顾问和你想任教的州的教育机构核实一下.

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其教育项目是否符合其他州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, Dr. Renee Collins,, and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

The Bachelor of Nursing meets the educational requirements for licensure set by the Texas Board of Nursing, which can be found at

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其项目是否符合德克萨斯州以外州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, Martha Hartranft, , and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

物理治疗博士符合德克萨斯州物理治疗考试委员会制定的执照教育要求, which can be found at

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其项目是否符合德克萨斯州以外州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, Dr. Jill Jumper,, and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

医师助理硕士课程符合德克萨斯州医师助理委员会制定的执照教育要求, which can be found at

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其项目是否符合德克萨斯州以外州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, Dr. Jennifer Eames,, and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

For licensure as a bachelor’s level social worker, the LBSW, HSU的社会工作课程符合德克萨斯州社会工作者考试委员会的教育要求(, the Louisiana State Board of Social Work Examiners (, the New Mexico Board of Social Work Examiners (, and the Oklahoma Board of Licensed Social Workers (

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其课程是否符合其他州对执照的教育要求. You should consult your program advisor, Melissa Milliorn,, and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.

语言病理学理学硕士符合德克萨斯州许可和法规部门制定的许可教育要求, which can be found at

澳门皇冠赌场平台尚未确定其项目是否符合德克萨斯州以外州的许可要求. You should consult your program advisor, Dr. Dee Ann Shelton, , and the licensing board of the state in which you want to work.